Automation Scripts
In this Section, we will help you understand and confidently create your own Automation Scripts to fit your own needs.
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In this Section, we will help you understand and confidently create your own Automation Scripts to fit your own needs.
Last updated
Click the Script icon, select Create New Script to create an Automation script.
AutoFace allows you to create Automation Scripts according to your wishes with just simple drag and drop commands. In the Automation script creation section, it is divided into 3 main groups:
General Interaction: In this section, you can create Automation Scripts such as Viewing Story, Watching Videos, Surfing Newsfeed, creating Post and Posting.
Group interaction: In the Group section, you can post in the group, join any group, Invite friends to the group, Leave the group,...
Seeding: Includes boosting Likes and Comments; Boosting Followers for selected accounts and Boosting views for Videos.
Once created, scripts will appear in the "Your Scripts" section. You can manage your scripts by fields such as: Name, Status, Tag, Notes and Creation Date. You can also Edit, delete, duplicate or pin the script to the top for more convenient searching by clicking the three- dot icon at the end of line.
You can also add tags by clicking on the script's tag box and enter to save.
These will be Scripts created by AutoFace, a reference source for customers to create your own ones.